41 - 50 of 418 results

516 Blend U#1--Ulcer relief

Product no.: M0516C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

A blend to help heal the stomach from an ulcer. Contains 3 ingredients: peppermint leaf, parsley leaf and +1. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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521 JB UFO-Bleeding Ulcers

Product no.: M0521C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend is kept in my car and I take it with me while traveling as it can help to stop bleeding within minutes of using this herbal blend containing myrrh gum, Goldenseal root and cayenne pepper. I know this blend will stop bleeding in the G.I tract if you discover bloody stool or diarhea. This remedy is not a substitue for having a licensed medical professional discover your reason for bleeding. Contains 100 capsules and it will also stop bleeding faster for deep cuts, in most cases. You can also open a capsule and pour it on top of the bleeding wound. But for life threating bleeding it is still best to call 911 and seek professional help. The FDA has not approved of these statements for this reversing bleeding ulcer formula and you are taking this at your own risk and can NOT return this food supplement. This formula for stopping/reversing bleeding ulcers from bleeding is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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531 Herba GBS Gallstone painrelief

Product no.: M0531C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

Herba GBS contains 100 capsules to help you pass gallstones safely and to reduce the severe pain that passing gallstones may cause. This blend also helps to reduce suffering for overeating during the holiday season. May contain: papaya leaf, perilla leaf, aju pepper fruit, cyperus root, mullein leaf, loquat leaf, Mojave yucca root, tumeric root, zeodary root, trailing arbutus leaf and blackberry leaf.

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D'EAZE diarrhea relief 564

Product no.: M0564C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend of synergistic herbs will usually help to stop diarrhea within several dosages or starting this formula. It is recommended that you take 2 capsules every movement up to 10 capsules daily. If you have serious dairrhea that is dehydrating you--THEN please seek licensed medical help for a diagnosis. But in general if your stool is loose then take this formula to make your bowel movements more solid. May contain: nettle leaf, air potato root, jujube seed, fenugreek seed, raspberry leaf, club moss leaf and more. Even if it doesn't stop your loose stool it is a great source of extra fiber for your diet. In my practice this blend helps reduce diarrhea in over half of my clients. So try this is you don't have any other major medical condition that is causing you this liquid discomfort. 564*D'EAZE-100 CAPS DIARRHEA RELIEF: nettle leaf, air potato root, jujube seed, trailing arbutus leaf, fenugreek seed, raspberry leaf, club moss leaf and yucca root.

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Intestin Integrity 565

Product no.: M0565C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

565 Intest-Integrity is used for intestinal healing and balance of energy in your gut. It is used for people that are having problems absorbing their minerals and may be suffering from Leaky gut syndrome. This product may contain: fenugreek seed, jujube seed, yucca root, peony root, perilla leaf, papaya leaf, rosemary leaf, buckthorn bark, licorice root and a few more. As always the ingredients ae on the bottle and contain no fillers--only 100% vegan herbs in this blend. May help relieve and heal the pain from poor junctions in the intestines. These statements are not approved by the FDA and you are taking this at your own risk. Most of the products lsted under Various manufactures are made to order in Orange, CA and will be dropped shiped to you once your order is placed. This item is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or treat any disease.

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Kleanz Purge 570

Product no.: M0570D

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$66.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery
1 capsule(s) = $0.66

1 capsule(s) = $0.66

Kleanz Purge is a very strong purgative or laxative. Expect to stay on the toilet the next morning longer than usual and open a window. After taking 4 capsules to start with you can continue to take 2 capsules with dinner until finished with the bottle. You may not eliminate from your bowels for another day after the first major elimination. If after taking this remedy the first time with 4 capsules and you do not have a memorable bowel movement then use 4 capsules repeatedly until you eliminate. This product may contain: slippery elm bark, buckthorn bark, aloe leaf, cascara segrada bark and cayenne pepper. Exact ingredients are always on the label. As with all energetic blends, they are based on energetic principles and may not work as stated depending on your state of health. The FDA has not approved of these statements and if you have not had a bowel movement for over a week then please see a MD or go to the hospital. Be sure to drink plenty of water while taking herbal remedies. These herbals are non refundable as they are usually drop shipped from the factory and can NOT be returned.

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585 Cellu--Loss

Product no.: M0585C

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend is one of the weight loss formulas manufactured by the Monastery of Herbs it may contain lesser galangal root, fringetree bark, linden leaf and more. This food supplement in theory will help you to lose weight if you have a good diet and become more active. This blend helps in most cases, to work on your lower cellulite deposits. This has not been approved by the FDA and depending on your state of health you may have to repeat this formula several times for results. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases and you are taking this at your own risk and can NOT return it for a refund. (Cellulite): cyperus root, lesser galangal root, perilla leaf, blue vervain leaf, fringetree bark, linden leaf, red clover flower, couch grass root, peach leaf, wild yam root, jujube seed and more.


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588 Fat Metabolism Stimulation set

Product no.: M0588A

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$116.00 / set(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This is a weight loss formula containing 72 dry capsules along with 2 tinctures. The ingredients are listed on the label. This formulas has been know to help with weight loss when a proper diet and a more active daily routine happens. The FDA hasn't approved of this formulas or statements and you are taking this food supplement at your own risk. This has been manufactured since 1963, so you be the judge if you think this will help you in your weight loss goals. 588*FAT METABOLISM STIMULATION, 72 caps with ao&vo tinctures: cyperus rotundos root, perilla leaf, shrubby sophoria fruit, lesser galangal root, zedoary root, strawberry leaf, BLADDERWRACK fruit, elecampane root, Oregon grape root, hops flower, chickweed leaf, myrrh gum, guarana seed and more. Products can NOT be returned for refund.

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593 Cortin C

Product no.: M0593C

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$75.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

593 Cortin-C may help the adrenal cortex and is one of the top selling adoptogen blends. Contains foti flower, saw palmetto berry, prickly ash berry, zedoary root, sarsaparilla root, scrophularia root, wintergreen leaf and Korean ginseng root. Great to help balance the nervous system for everyone. The FDA does not approve of these statements and you are taking this food supplement at your own risk. Any food supplement recommended by this site can NOT be returned for a refund. NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASES. 593*CORTIN C-100, Adrenal cortex; ADAPTOGEN HERBAL BLEND: foti flower, saw palmetto berry, prickly ash berry, zedoary root, sarsaparilla root, scrophularia root, wintergreen leaf, Korean ginseng root.

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594 Cortin E

Product no.: M0594B

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$75.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

594*CORTIN E-100 (Everyone, endocrine system): black COHOSH root, prickley ash bark, Pfaffia root, saw palmetto berry, Damiana leaf, coin-leaf desmodium leaf. Black cohosh is used for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, neuralgia, pain, as a tonic for the CNS-a safe sedative, stimulates: liver, kidney & lymph system, and helps remove toxic wastes from the body. Prickly ash bark is used for blood circulation problems, ongoing joint pain, slow-healing wounds, dry tongue, blood purification, weak digestion, lethargy, swelling & breaking fevers. Pfaffia is used to prevent and heal disease, relives stress, helps the body to adapt to many and varied environment and psychological stresses. Stregthens the immune system against viral infections. May treat anemia, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, PMS, menopause, hormonal imbalance/disorders. Saw palmetto is a dietary supplement for the lungs, asthma, nerves, mucous membranes in the throat, nose & air passages, chronic bronchitis, urinary symptoms associated with enlarged prostate, chronic pelvic pain, decreased sex drive, migraine, hair loss, wasting diseases and more. Damiana Leaf-possible aphrodisiac and treats sexual problems. May reduce stomach complaints: dyspepsia, diarrhea and constipation; relieves menopause and PMS symptoms. Coin-Leaf desmodium may clear fevers, reduce swelling/abscesses, acute and chronic bronchitis, lung abscesses, phlegm removal, respiratory infections, malaria & pneumonia. Neutralizes toxins & inhibits pains.

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