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102 Hook Worm formula #2

Product no.: M0102

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$116.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend is an alternate blend to the Hook worm formula #1. Sometimes when treating this worm you have to rotate the formulas for faster results. These formulas assists the body in ridding the intestines and lungs of these small worms. The larvae penetrates our skin where a itchy rash may develop. From here they migrate to our lungs via the bloodstream. They then enter our airways-bronchi, which causes us to cough. We then swallow the larva from this mucous coughed up from our lungs and then the small intestine gets infected where these worms grow into larger worms and both the worms and larvae are excreted in our stool. This parasite is picked up outdoors, possibly from walking barefooted on the earth. Possible symptoms helped allievated by this formulas are itchy rash or blisters, cough or pheumonitis, fever, bloody sputum, loss of appetite or weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, pallor-pale or gray skin, fatigue, anemia, dizzyness and worm eggs in bloody stool. It is very possible to have hookworms without symptoms in the early stages. The FDA has not approved of thses statements or products and you are taking this at  your own risk and this is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure andy diseases. Safe to take along with most prescription drugs too!

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M0115 P-SX-nonspecific STD

Product no.: M0115

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$116.00 / set(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

P-SX is under the Monastery of Herbs Parasite blends. It is for non-specific sexually transmitted diseases: amoebas, parasites, and viral support for the pelic area of your body. This formula assists the body in reducing symptoms of the "unknown STD". Many STDs are thrown into one "catch-all" category if it isn't immediately identified. Most patients are treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic in the hope that the infection clears up. Sometimes this approach by the medical profession works, but with the over use of antibiotics the infections are stronger and the drugs are weaker and often non-effective. Possible symptoms requiring this remedy are abdonimal pain or tenderness, bleeding from the vagina (other than normal menstration), blisters on the genital area, vaginal or pineal discharges, general irritation and/or itchiness in the genital area, pain or burning while urinating, painful intercourse, pelvic pain, sores on the genitals, severe or recurring vaginal yeast infections, warts or bumps on the genitals. 115 P-SX,  NON SPECIFIC SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, for pelvis area, amoebas, parasite and viral support. Contains 72 dry capsules and tinctures. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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116 P-TG Toxoplasmosis parasite

Product no.: M0116

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$116.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend contains 72 dry capsules along with 2 1/2 ounce tinctures. This blend may help to treat major head infections eye problems, meningitis, and reduce anxiety. This parasite is usually inhaled from outdoor cat and bird feces (waste)--think yard blowers-yuck! Helps to detoxify the body of meningitis type symptoms: neck pain, headaches and vertigo. Tosoplasmosis is caused by a tiny parasite that is attracted to the central nervous system. In severe infections there can be marked psychiatric symptoms such as phobias and panic disorders. Cats are a major carrier of this parasite. Exposure is usually through air bourn dried animal feces through our lungs. This blend may help reverse ringing in the ears, hearing loss, equilibrium dysfunction, fear of heights, fear of open spaces and fear of crowds (avoidance of crowds). This food supplement is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure andy diseases and you are taking this at your own risk and can NOT return this for a refund.

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122 P-TW#1 tapeworm

Product no.: M0122

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This dry blend may assist you in clearing out your instines from this tapeworm. May contain wormwood leaf, sage leaf and more. The FDA has not evualted these statements and you are taking this on your own risk. This blend can be rotated with either of its alternates for a better cleanse. Remember these parasites are leaving their waste products for our immune system to clear while taking our vitamins and minerals from our foods to stay alive. Watch what falls out into the toilet bowl when using parasite blends to see worms and eggs in the water being evacuated from your body. The eggs can last for years before hatching from the initial contact with that parasite containing food before sympotoms appear. Ingredients: Wormwood leaf, Poke root, Sage leaf and 1 more.

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123 P-TW#2

Product no.: M0123

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This is an alternate to the Tapeworm blend #1 as the worms mutate different herbal energy blends are needed. See M122 and M124 for more nformation on this blend. Contains: jujube seed, pomegranate root, wormwood leaf, polygala root and more. This product is not intended to daignose, treat, prevent or cure andy diseases and you are taking this food supplemnt at your own risk and can NOT return it for a refund. These statements have not been evualated by the FDA.

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124 P-Tape Worm#3

Product no.: M0124

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This is another alternate for immune support while fighting a tapeworm. This formula contains male fern root, pomegranate seed and more. The label contains the ingredients. See either M122 or M123 for more information on this remedy which again was not approved by the FDA. These statements or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease and you are taking this food supplementn at your own risk and can NOT return it for refund.

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P-VAC-125 vacation preventative or cleanser

Product no.: M0125

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$64.00 / bottle(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This is called vacation blend to possibly help to prevent catching parasites while traveling the world or taking this remedy when getting home from traveling to cleanse a parasitial infection.  The ingredients are many as it is a combination of Liver flukes, lung flukes, dwarf tape worm and 2 other worm and parasite immune support blends. This is also a general immunity blend for support while traveling. It can be an additional blend to other parasite formulas in a herbal supplement program. Some clients use this blend once a year for a cleanse just incase of an infection. Not intended to diagnosetreat, cure or prevent disease. 72 capsules with no fillers--just herbs! contains the following blends: P-LUF(107),P-LF(105),P-SJ(112),P-PC(111),P-DTW(93). Aji pepper fruit, black haw bark, black walnut hull, burdock root, Chinese cimicifuga root, cumin seed, fennel seed, fragrant waterlily root, fringetree bark, honeysuckle flower, indigo leaf, jujube seed, lesser galangal root, lycium bark, male fern root, mandrake root, myrrh gum, ophiopogon root, plantain leaf, poke root, polygala root, pomegranate root, quassia wood, quisqualis fruit, rosemary leaf, shrubby sophora fruit, Siebold's spurge fruit, tribulus fruit, wahoo bark, wormwood leaf & yin-Chen wormwood leaf.

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22 Liver #1A hepatitis support

Product no.: M0022

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$116.00 / set(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This formula may help the liver and gallbladder perform better while helping your immune system by protecting your liver from the Hepatitis A virus.The ingredients are listed on the bottle and supplemental sheet. This product is 72 dry capsules and 2 tinctures taken at 4 capsules daily along with a squirt of each tincture. This formula shows up a lot in energetic testing for liver support and only a licensed medical professional can diagnose this disease. The FDA has not approved these statements and you are taking this at your own risk as herbals may work differently on you depending on your state of health. Thse statements or herbal products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Dry ingredients: plus 2 more, shepard's purse fruit, Japenses dodder seed, peppergrass seed, shrubby sophora root, garden balsam seed, madder root, calendula flower, soft rush seed, elecampane root, pau d'arco bark, wood betony leaf, yarrow flower, boldo leaf and oregano leaf.

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23 Liver #2 B nutritional support

Product no.: M0023

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$116.00 / set(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This formula may assist your immune system in protecting your liver while battling the Hepatits B virus. This blend of 72 dry capsules and 2 tinctures is taken once per day at 4 dry capsules and a squirt of both tinctures. The FDA did not approve of this statement or herbal food supplement and you are taking this at your own risk and cannont return this product because it may not show effects for several days depending on your state of your health and diet. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. All the ingredients are listed on the bottles. Dry ingredients: plus 2 more, Japanese dodder seed, barbed skullcap fruit, madder root, peppergrass seed, shrubby sophora root, white mulberry fruit, condurango bark, shepherd's purse fruit, pau d'arco bark, wood betony leaf, yarrow flower, oregano leaf, cumin seed, rosemary leaf.

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25 Liver #4 D set

Product no.: M0025

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$116.00 / set(s)
Price incl. sales tax, plus delivery

This blend of 72 dry capsules and 2 tinctures is to assist your immune system fight the hepatitis D virus while supporting liver function. The FDA has not approved this statement and you are taking at your own risk and cannot return this product becasue it may not function as described becasue of your current state of health and diet.

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