Keep your life on track with specific herbal nutrition! Accepting former patients of Doug Phillips for telephone consultations.
"my husband and I have been working with doctor Jon and have gotten outstanding results. My husband has seen a great improvement to his chronic lung congestion and both of us have seen remarkable improvements in our overall health. Dr. Jn works honestly and skillfully to assist the individual with her or her journey to health and well-being. Thank you!" C.B, Tucson, AZ
"My friends think I'm 30 years younger than I really am thanks to Dr. Jon cleaning up my body from over 20 years of cigarette smoking and helping to control my body-aches." Rene the puppeteer, Burbank, CA
"I wish I would have met you 6 months ago before I had the chemotherapy." S.M., Burbank, CA
:I have been on antidepressants most of my liffe and unable to read a book without much frustration, but after 3 days on a nutritional protocol: I felt much better and I was able to read whole texts without my dylexia bothering me either." M.S. North Hollywood, CA
"Since Dr. Louis J. Marx, MD died I have been unable to find a holistic practitioner until I was referred to Dr. Jon and I am quite happy that I'm back on a herbal program he recommended with the three professionals brands that are sold through Paramount Herbs." V.C., Granada Hills, CA
"I initially went to Dr. Jon about a positive blood test for Lyme's disease. The muscle testing showed that my genital herpes was causing the major healing crisis in my body at that time. His testing also discovered a weak yeast infection point and recommended several products. I came back on day 19 of my program and the retesting went directly to the "Spiro" Lyme formulas from Monastery of herbs. I again used 4 products and feel 100% better." B.C.. North Hollywood, CA